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Oliver stone in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2020-12-20Updated:2020-12-20
Similar words: olivercornerstonebladder stoneover stockoverstockoliver goldsmitholiver cromwelloliver wendell holmesMeaning: n. United States filmmaker (born in 1946). 
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1. Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" co-stars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.
2. So was film director Oliver Stone.
3. Oliver Stone, operating under a hail of criticism, was finishing a revisionist movie about the Kennedy assassination.
4. As taps played across the land, Oliver Stone must have bowed his head in silent prayer.
5. I called Oliver Stone the very next
6. Oliver Stone finally opened the door for you.
7. Oliver Stone is a man's man.
8. The American film maker, Oliver Stone, was recently granted rare access for a documentary to be released soon.
9. Oliver Stone will do it Oliver Stone's way, whatever the critics think.
10. Fundamentally, Oliver Stone is doing it his way because he can and because he's spent his life doing things his way.
11. JL: Well, I met with Oliver Stone, and then had a reading, which was ... uh ... interesting.
12. Oliver Stone has apologised for comments about the Holocaust made in an interview with the Sunday Times that US Jewish groups have condemned as antisemitic.
13. Did you disagree with Oliver Stone about certain story aspects?
14. That means if Oliver Stone wants to say, "Hey, you know, some of these draftees were smoking dope"—well, that was a fact[], and I don't mind showing it.
15. Oliver Stone and Woody Allen brought their latest films to France but not in competition.
16. Twenty-three years on from the film that defined the "greed is good" era, director Oliver Stone resurrects Gordon Gekko.
17. A howl of anti-Wall Street rage sounds through Charles Ferguson’s documentary “Inside Job” and, more bombastically if less coherently, through Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.”
18. Dye established his reputation on the 1986 Best Picture, Platoon, the story of a young soldier's introduction to war in Vietnam, written and directed by Oliver Stone.
19. I read a story in the trades that said a relatively unknown writer-director by the name of Oliver Stone was going to make a picture based on his own experiences in Vietnam.
20. Variations on the King Richard Effect are at work in Oliver Stone JFK.
21. Apparently, some squirrelly little guy from Connecticut is, and Oliver Stone is making a small film about him.
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